

Benefits &



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Handling Smiles
For Little Souls

Join with our community to make this world
a better place for kids. Let’s help kids together!



About Little Hopes

little hopes logo

Little hopes is a collection of 5000 digitally drawn NFT collectibles, standing upon polygon blockchain. This project is focussed on helping the orphans, who are staying in orphanages in Sri Lanka. Our goal is to make a better future for them through NFT space.

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Benefits & Utilities

Receive Exclusive Rewards by Holding Little Hopes

You will be rewarded with exceptional rewards when you hold Little Hopes NFTs. The followings are the rewards which will be randomly scattered throughout the Little Hopes community.

  • NFTs from the 2nd or 3rd phase
  • Ethereum from community wallet
  • NFTs from popular NFT creators

Access to pre-sale of phase 2

10000 NFT collection which is brought out to support the homeless adults who live in nursing homes in Sri Lanka. Pre-NFT holders of Little Hopes are eligible to buy 50% off of the public sale.

Chance to win Free NFT from future releases

Pre NFT holders of Little Hopes will have chances to win Free NFTs from the Phase 2 release of our project.

Exclusive access to Discord

Pre-buyers are given access to our discord private channel and will be granted with special verified roles.

Early Access to Donating Platform

Little hopes NFT holders will be early whitelisted to the donation platform before launching it out for the public.


Phase 2: Launch Deep Hopes Collection

This also a public charity project aims to help homeless elders who are living decades in nursing homes. Public minted 10000 NFT collection which valued as 0.03 WETH Polygon for each.

Phase 4: Payment Gateway/ Blockchain?

Phase 1: Launch Little Hopes Collection

Charity project which supports the orphans who are staying in orphanages in Sri Lanka. Public minted 5000 NFT collection which valued as 0.015 WETH Polygon for each.

Phase 3: Make our own platform to donate Charities with Crypto by connecting your Wallet

A public platform which accepts crypto payments for donations for the charities islandwide.

Our Core Team

a cute nimsara cella


Nimsara Akash

a cute nimsara cella


Nimsara Akash

a cute nimsara cella


Nimsara Akash

a cute nimsara cella


Nimsara Akash


1. First you have to buy ethereum from any crypto exchange you prefer. (Ex: Binance, Coinbase, KuCoin, ByBit etc.)
2. Then transfer them to your Metamask Wallet. If you do not have a Metamask Wallet, create a wallet from metamask.io.
3. After transferring your Ethereum to the wallet, go to opensea.io NFT marketplace and connect your Metamask Wallet by clicking connect to the wallet at top right corner of the website.
4. Next click on the wallet and click on 3 dots at the Ethereum tab and click bridge to polygon.
5. After that enter the amount you want to convert to polygon, and click convert tokens.
6. Then the metamask wallet will pop-up for the confirmation, hit confirm to convert your Ethereum to Polygon.
7. There you have the Ethereum for polygon network.
8. Then go to our ‘Little Hopes’ collection, select NFT that you like to buy and click buy.


When is the official launch?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae elit eget leo tincidunt sagittis. Curabitur tellus mi, vestibulum sed condimentum venenatis, commodo et turpis. Vestibulum sagittis quam eu porttitor egestas. Nullam a ligula vitae sem vestibulum mollis in nec urna. Cras ac eleifend quam. In viverra dolor et purus ultrices ultricies. Vestibulum neque turpis, ultricies et scelerisque in, auctor at magna.

How many Little Hopes will be released?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae elit eget leo tincidunt sagittis. Curabitur tellus mi, vestibulum sed condimentum venenatis, commodo et turpis. Vestibulum sagittis quam eu porttitor egestas. Nullam a ligula vitae sem vestibulum mollis in nec urna. Cras ac eleifend quam. In viverra dolor et purus ultrices ultricies. Vestibulum neque turpis, ultricies et scelerisque in, auctor at magna.

How do I buy a Little Hopes?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae elit eget leo tincidunt sagittis. Curabitur tellus mi, vestibulum sed condimentum venenatis, commodo et turpis. Vestibulum sagittis quam eu porttitor egestas. Nullam a ligula vitae sem vestibulum mollis in nec urna. Cras ac eleifend quam. In viverra dolor et purus ultrices ultricies. Vestibulum neque turpis, ultricies et scelerisque in, auctor at magna.

How can I use my Little Hopes?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae elit eget leo tincidunt sagittis. Curabitur tellus mi, vestibulum sed condimentum venenatis, commodo et turpis. Vestibulum sagittis quam eu porttitor egestas. Nullam a ligula vitae sem vestibulum mollis in nec urna. Cras ac eleifend quam. In viverra dolor et purus ultrices ultricies. Vestibulum neque turpis, ultricies et scelerisque in, auctor at magna.

Do you have a whitelist?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae elit eget leo tincidunt sagittis. Curabitur tellus mi, vestibulum sed condimentum venenatis, commodo et turpis. Vestibulum sagittis quam eu porttitor egestas. Nullam a ligula vitae sem vestibulum mollis in nec urna. Cras ac eleifend quam. In viverra dolor et purus ultrices ultricies. Vestibulum neque turpis, ultricies et scelerisque in, auctor at magna.

What blockchain is the project hosted on?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae elit eget leo tincidunt sagittis. Curabitur tellus mi, vestibulum sed condimentum venenatis, commodo et turpis. Vestibulum sagittis quam eu porttitor egestas. Nullam a ligula vitae sem vestibulum mollis in nec urna. Cras ac eleifend quam. In viverra dolor et purus ultrices ultricies. Vestibulum neque turpis, ultricies et scelerisque in, auctor at magna.